EURATEX - The European Apparel and Textile Confederation


EURATEX is the European Confederation representing the interests at the level of the EU institutions of the European textile and clothing industries as a whole. A Secretariat deals with the numerous policy issues that are of direct interest to our industry.

EURATEX is the recognized official body for the Textile and clothing industry at European and International level:
– Has participation as official stakeholder in number of actions organised by the EU Commission in areas like Trade, Environment, Education, Training, Innovation, R&D, Standards, Industry & Enterprise etc.
– EURATEX is part of the European Social Dialogue for the textile and clothing industry together with its trade union partner to contribute to the sustainable development of employment and to promote the industry competitiveness.
– EURATEX is recognised by the Commission as the voice of the “European Technology Platform for the future of textile and clothing”. In that sense we are certified and recognised as one of the key bodies to consult (DG Research).

EURATEX is an observatory Member of CEN, the official European body for standardization, and follows in particular the works of TC248 technical committee for textiles products.

EURATEX’s member federations directly or indirectly represent, in the EU, some 186.000 companies of an industry employing 1.8 million workers. The companies which are overwhelmingly small and medium-sized enterprises cover a broad industry cross-section in terms of product, market segment and geographical spread.

With a household consumption of nearly 500 Billion Euro, the EU-27 is the largest world market for textile and clothing products. Furthermore, it is the second world exporter in textiles as well as in clothing.

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IAF - International Apparel Federation


A Federação Internacional de Vestuário é uma associação de âmbito mundial, tendo como principais membros associações nacionais de vestuário e empresas cujo principal negócio se centre no fornecimento, design, desenvolvimento, produção, distribuição e retalho de vestuário.

A IAF procura ser uma rede de conhecimento global que recolhe e dissemina informação, estatísticas, práticas de benchmarking, novos desenvolvimentos no design de vestuário, produção, tecnologia, inovação, distribuição, fornecimento e comércio de vestuário.

Tem como missão promover os negócios entre os agentes da cadeia mundial de valor do vestuário, sem esquecer a promoção da imagem internacional do negócio de vestuário, o desenvolvimento da tecnologia e a promoção do seu uso no sector, o incentivo à inovação e às novas formas de pensar e agir, o crescimento global do comércio de vestuário, a melhoria das condições ambientais, sociais, de saúde e segurança em toda a cadeia de valor no negócio do vestuário, bem como a melhoria na educação e formação dos agentes envolvidos.

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ITMF - International Textile Manufacturers Federation


The International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) is an international Association for the world’s textile industries, dedicated to keeping its world-wide membership constantly informed through surveys, studies and publications and through the organization of annual conferences, participating in the evolution of the industry’s value chain and and through the organization of annual conferences as well as publishing considered opinions on future trends and international developments.

ITMF’s main objectives are:

• to provide a forum for discussion of matters appropriately within the common interest and concern of textile companies.
• to provide a neutral meeting ground for textile trade associations for the exchange of information on matters affecting their textile industries, consistent with the trade regulation laws of the nations represented.
• to act as a central agency of the textile industries for the collection of information, statistical and otherwise, on textile manufacturing developments in all countries of the world.
• to act as spokesman for the world textile industry in matters relating to raw materials (cotton and man-made fibres).
• to perform the functions of a liaison agent between the textile industries and governments and intergovernmental organizations interested in the textile industry.

Through the ITMF the textile industries cooperate at the international level with organizations representing other sectors allied to their industry.

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